AI Use Guidelines to Consider
Like many agency owners, we have been digging into AI and how to use this technology to work smarter. We have attended numerous agency peer group discussions, PR group discussions and even business owner circle discussions. One thing for sure is AI is coming at us fast and in many forms and for many uses. What we have learned thus far is a bit concerning which has had not only GREENCREST but many of our agency peers searching for best practices on how to allow our organizations to use these tools without copyright use and loss of confidentiality issues. Did you know that because AI is a robot, it is not held liable to copyright laws? Did you know that if you put your intellectual property into these tools, you may be giving up your rights to ownership and therefore lose confidentiality? Scary, right?

Best Practices Regarding Using AI

We were excited when we ran across the PR Council Guidelines on Generative AI and we are sharing this with you here so that you may also create internal policies around the use of AI tools, information being shared with these tools, the respect of copyrights (even though the AI tools do not) and verification of the accuracy data collected (if you have used some of the tools you know what we mean).


As an agency, we are going to adopt the PR Council Guidelines on Generative AI. We believe this is the correct path. AI tools can provide inspiration, but beyond that, we believe our ability to have keen insight into our customers’ worlds, protect our customers’ confidential and competitive data and apply independent creativity will always win at the end of the day.