Four Social Media Trends to Master in 2018

Four Social Media Trends to Master in 2018

As technology continues to change, the ways in which we communicate and engage with customers on social media do, too. Take a look at four social media trends that GREENCREST predicts will take center stage in 2018.


Social video and video advertising will continue to explode in 2018. In 2017, it significantly outperformed all other forms of content on every test, and as Generation Z continues to make itself known on social media, video should remain a primary focus of most companies’ marketing strategies. According to data collected by AdWeek, 50 percent of Gen Z-ers “can’t live without YouTube.” In 2017, nearly half of all businesses implemented video advertising, according to Hootsuite, which expects that number to grow by 29 percent in 2018.

“Brand Fatigue” and How to Avoid it

As the number of businesses on social media continues to increase, original, creative content is becoming harder and harder to come by, resulting in “brand fatigue,” or a phenomenon in which consumers become less likely to engage with sponsored or branded content. In 2018, businesses can expect to feel pressure to create better, more engaging content in order to establish themselves as independently verifiable sources. Focus on communication with individuals in your own community. Connect with them directly through messenger platforms, for example. Your customers value local and personal experiences. Engaging with them on a personal level will help grow your business into an industry leader as their trust in you grows.

Live Streaming

Originally thought to be applicable to only video gaming, live streaming is quickly creeping into social media. In the last 1 ½ years, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat all introduced live-streaming capabilities for their mobile apps. Companies have incorporated the technology to live stream events, Q&A’s, reviews, interviews, webinars, and more. Live streaming is so popular among brands because through it they can genuinely connect with their audience, and Internet users agree. According to Statista, people of all ages viewed live streams in 2017, and — in 2018 — live streaming will continue to grow in popularity and user base.

Influencer Marketing

In 2017, 75 percent of brands incorporated influencer marketing into their marketing strategies, according to AdWeek. Hallmark, for example, created the hashtag #Keepsakeit to encourage family-friendly Instagram users to promote Hallmark’s keepsake ornaments during the holidays. Earlier this month, social media influencer Hannah Bronfman signed on as a brand ambassador for a new Proctor & Gamble feminine hygiene product. In 2018, the investment in influencer marketing will grow. As internet users continue to search for “authentic” content, and the use of AdBlock grows, influencer marketing will continue to grow as an extremely effective way for marketers to reach their audiences on social media.

The experts at GREENCREST know a thing or two about how to create an engaging, successful social media strategy. Contact us today to get a head start on mastering these 2018 trends.