Developing Internal Brand Ambassadors
In a world where a company’s greatest asset is its team, isn’t it time for us to look a little closer at our internal brands?
Brand Campaign Trail
When the consumer enters the point of sale, he or she is stepping into the voting booth. How well has your brand campaigned?
Lead, Follow or Brand
Great brands continue to thrive for years after their introductions. Others don’t. The great ones control their categories. They set examples for others to try and mimic.
What a Brand is Not
A brand’s distinction is whatever separates it from its competitors, makes it stand out as extraordinary or different or, better yet, more valuable to the end user.
Building Brand Equity
The key to building brand equity is establishing a strong brand identity and communicating it consistently over time. Reinforcing and strengthening a brand can be accomplished in several ways.
Muddled Messages — Is Everyone Speaking the Same Language?
Your selling message should be the foundation for the many forms of written, verbal, printed and Web communications your company uses to market its services.
The Corporate Identity Facelift
Drastic changes in your brand can wipe out brand equity earned at great cost over the years, and should be considered only for compelling reasons.