Making custom content work for your business

December’s Smart Business features GREENCREST Chief Creative Officer, Kelly Borth, who shares with readers her insight on how to provide the information that customers search for.

custom content Your potential customers are searching online for information to solve their problems. They’re looking for relevant content – and more often than not, they find it. The question for you is whether or not they’ll find answers from your business. Columnist Kelly Borth of GREENCREST, helps you answer this.

“In the digital era, content is king. No matter what type of product or service your business represents, your potential customers are searching for information to solve a problem or fulfill a desire online. These are savvy shoppers. They look for content that is meaningful and relevant. And more times than not, they find what they are looking for — at least enough information to select who they will contact as a result of what they found in their search.”