Using PR to Ignite Your SEO
Love and marriage. They go together like…PR and SEO? While some marriages are made in heaven, the marriage between public … Continue reading Using PR to Ignite Your SEO

Write Blog Posts that Attract New Clients!
In today’s extremely digital world, it appears that everyone has a voice. From mommy bloggers to influencers to some of … Continue reading Write Blog Posts that Attract New Clients!

Develop your online content marketing strategy
Today’s digital-mobile-social lifestyle means customers are plugged-in, 24/7, to a constant stream of information—and they are ravenous for new content … Continue reading Develop your online content marketing strategy

Media relations and new media — what’s different and what isn’t?
Media relations opportunities have greatly expanded. With nearly all publications having a print and online version of each issue, e-newsletters … Continue reading Media relations and new media — what’s different and what isn’t?

Making custom content work for your business
December’s Smart Business features GREENCREST Chief Creative Officer, Kelly Borth, who shares with readers her insight on how to provide … Continue reading Making custom content work for your business

Does proper spelling and grammar still matter in social media?
You don’t have to read too many text messages, Twitter or Facebook updates to see why many people blame social media for the decline in people’s writing skills. Does spelling and grammar matter on the internet? Many people in our industry will say “yes” if not argue that social media can teach you how to be a better writer.

On Writing Well
The best marketing campaigns break through mental filters by speaking our language, touching our emotions and making a meaningful connection. Words and images work together to create a campaign that resonates.