Making custom content work for your business
December’s Smart Business features GREENCREST Chief Creative Officer, Kelly Borth, who shares with readers her insight on how to provide … Continue reading Making custom content work for your business
How to analyze trends and determine which ones are likely to have the biggest effect
The advertising industry has seen an enormous degree of change over the 21 years that Kelly Borth has lead GREENCREST. … Continue reading How to analyze trends and determine which ones are likely to have the biggest effect
Join the Mobile Revolution
Kelly Borth, GREENCREST Chief Creative Officer, shared with October’s Smart Business readers her insight on “How to Join the Mobile … Continue reading Join the Mobile Revolution
Leading Results
Kelly Borth, CEO and chief strategy officer at GREENCREST talks about the importance of CEOs managing the sales process in … Continue reading Leading Results
Leading Communication
GREENCREST president and certified brand strategist Kelly Borth gives valuable advice to Smart Business Columbus readers on the use of … Continue reading Leading Communication
Protect Your Reputation
Managing reputation begins with top leadership and is rooted in your organization’s core values and corporate governance. It is reinforced … Continue reading Protect Your Reputation
The Metropreneur Columbus’ How-To Guide
GREENCREST CEO Kelly Borth is the most recent contributor to The Metropreneur Columbus, an online resource for all things related … Continue reading The Metropreneur Columbus’ How-To Guide
Live Your Brand
Creating a brand-focused organization shifts it from a commodity to a position of brand preference, which equates to higher marketplace value. Making the brand the central focus of the organization helps employees understand what is on brand and what is not.
The Digital Revolution: Changing the way we work and live
Four years ago, at the beginning of the social media frenzy, in a large lecture hall at Ohio University, a … Continue reading The Digital Revolution: Changing the way we work and live
Does proper spelling and grammar still matter in social media?
You don’t have to read too many text messages, Twitter or Facebook updates to see why many people blame social media for the decline in people’s writing skills. Does spelling and grammar matter on the internet? Many people in our industry will say “yes” if not argue that social media can teach you how to be a better writer.
The Next Social Media Craze: Foursquare
You’ve mastered Facebook and Twitter and now you’re probably hearing buzz around the newest trend in social media, Foursquare.
It’s a New Year! Time to Enter a New Market?
A new year always provides fresh thought, renewed energy and new opportunities to explore. Unlike last year when economists were predicting a decline, 2010 is predicted to incline as businesses and consumers slowly begin to come out of hiding.
Answering the Million Dollar Question: What’s the ROI on Brand Development?
It seems that any business recommendation provokes the same question: “What’s the return on investment?” And, where brand issues are concerned, the question is often met with uncomfortable silence.
Social Media… Is it Right for your Business?
Over the last year, corporate America has proven that social media isn’t just for teenagers. More and more professionals and businesses are finding new ways of using social media tools and understanding the online conversation.
Developing Internal Brand Ambassadors
In a world where a company’s greatest asset is its team, isn’t it time for us to look a little closer at our internal brands?
Cost-effective Marketing in 2009
While the economy is a little uncertain, your marketing plan doesn’t need to be. By fine-tuning your marketing strategy in 2009, you can maintain a strong voice, increase market share and be top-of-mind when the situation improves.
Brand Campaign Trail
When the consumer enters the point of sale, he or she is stepping into the voting booth. How well has your brand campaigned?
What a Brand is Not
A brand’s distinction is whatever separates it from its competitors, makes it stand out as extraordinary or different or, better yet, more valuable to the end user.